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In addition to communicating online through the website and social channels, the Wellmade project is committed to promoting and organising events and publishing initiatives or to participating in high-level events, such as the Milan Design Week or the European Art and Craft Profession Days, involving experts and professionals of the sector. Important tools are also provided to artisans, such as flyers, brochures or certificates, in order to increase their business communication and services.
The Circuits represent the entities, public or private institutions, and projects that are committed to the promotion, development and marketing of Italian skilled workmanship by working together with professional artisan workshops and artisans, helping them develop their sales offers and related services, seeking innovative product languages during the design stage or creating special processes. Wellmade works with Circuits throughout Italy. They suggest including their most deserving artisans in the website in order to increase their visibility, vouching for their reliability and professionalism: essential qualities to become a member of the Wellmade community.
The Artisans on the Wellmade website are selected on the basis of requirements of business excellence and quality of the products and services they offer to the public. When assessing an artisan, a key role is played by the Circuits and by our Ambassadors, who propose the application of the artisans they work with. Alternatively, artisans may apply autonomously even if they do not belong to a Circuit or an Ambassador's network.
Wellmade gives visibility to artisans and professionals seeking to build a reputation that is based on the quality of their know-how and is certified by experts. It is then made available to users (young people, enthusiasts, tourists, etc.) searching for advice and opinions on the products and services offered. In addition, it intends to involve organisations, business projects, sector associations and hubs, which need to enhance the offer of the artisans they work with and to communicate the stories of their manufactured products.
The purpose of Wellmade is to provide authoritative information about skilled craftsmanship and to create a community of lovers of well-made workmanship to discover, review and share Italian-made excellence.
Wellmade draws attention to artisan workshops with the aim of reaching a wider audience and spreading a culture linked to lifestyle and focused on quality. It does so by bringing together the associations and individuals who work daily to enhance and promote this environment.
The Ambassadors are experienced professionals in the field of skilled craftsmanship and Italian-made manufacturing. They include professors, journalists, writers, entrepreneurs, directors of associations and institutions, or editors of major magazines. Their opinions and their contributions are crucial to provide authoritative information and foster debate on Italian craftsmanship, as well as to spread a well-made culture.
Wellmade was conceived by the designer duo of Whomade, Edoardo Perri and Dario Riva, who have been working for several years to relaunch the idea of leading-edge craftsmanship for a new way of perceiving objects. The project was developed together with Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte, a private non-profit organisation founded in Milan in 1995. The aim of its activities is to accomplish a “new Renaissance” of the crafts, especially create new generations of Masters of Art and rescue crafts of excellence from the threat of disappearance. To know more, please visit the Founders page and The Project section.
The community is made up of subscribed Users, Artisans, Circuits of artisans and expert Ambassadors of well-made craftsmanship. Wellmade offers an extensive list of artisan workshops, which Users may browse to find information and to interact with artisans, by reviewing them, asking them questions and saving them in their favourites. Ambassadors have the task of guiding readers through the website content, offering advice, stories, opinions and insights which can be found in the Feature section.
To follow all of the project’s updates and events, subscribe to our Newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The News section will bring you the latest on the world of crafts. For specific questions or queries about Wellmade, write to info@well-made.it
By collaborating with Wellmade, you will become part of the community of lovers of well-made workmanship, a showcase for institutions that for years have worked alongside artisans to enhance and promote Italian artisan excellence. This platform will help you get into touch with the leading professionals of the sector, by seeking them among Artisans, expert Ambassadors or other Circuits. The Wellmade team also considers specific proposals for partnerships received from these entities, useful for promoting their services or online channels. Artisans, on the other hand, will have the opportunity to make themselves known to a wider audience, to enter into contact and stay in touch with their customers, whether old or new, and benefit from the reviews they leave in order to improve the quality of their services.
Wellmade cares about the privacy of its visitors, users and collaborators. For this reason it does not disclose their personal data to third parties without prior authorisation. The description and contact details to be included in the Circuit page are agreed upon prior to publication and changed only by mutual consent. For subscription purposes, artisans are requested to provide some personal information about themselves (such as name, surname, contact details and place of origin) together with a brief description of their business. This data is necessary for Wellmade to create and manage the personal profiles, as well as to allow use of the services offered by the platform. Artisans can edit and update their information in the section "Edit your Artisan's page" in their profile. To learn more on how Wellmade uses this information, please view the Privacy Policy page.
The Circuits are public or private institutions and projects that are committed to the promotion, development and marketing of Italian skilled workmanship by working together with professional artisanal workshops and artisans. Wellmade works with the Circuits throughout Italy, which suggest including their most deserving artisans in the website in order to increase their visibility, vouching for their reliability and professionalism. We are open to proposals and collaborations. If you wish to make a suggestion in this regard or propose a partnership, please send an email to: join@well-made.it.
The artisans on the Wellmade website are selected on the basis of requirements of business excellence and quality of the products and services they offer to the public. When assessing artisans, a key role is played by the Circuits and the Ambassadors, who propose the application of the artisans they work with, vouching for their reliability and professionalism. Alternatively, artisans may apply autonomously even if they do not belong to a Circuit or to an Ambassador's network. The Wellmade team is responsible for deciding whether to subscribe or not an artisan to the portal.
A dedicated presentation page is created for every Circuit. The page contains a description of the Circuit’s activities and mission, its contact details and website of reference. The artisans associated with the page are also listed and their information sheets may be directly accessed by clicking on their names. Circuits cannot interact directly with other users or artisans within the community. In addition, by becoming a member of the Wellmade Circuit, you agree to the general conditions of use of the website. They can be viewed by everyone at any time simply by accessing the Terms and Conditions of use page. In the event of breach of these conditions by a subscribed user or an artisan, the Wellmade team reserves the right to take appropriate action, and, if necessary, to report the case to the competent authorities.
The Wellmade team is always ready to involve new partners interested in enhancing and promoting Italian skilled workmanship. If you would like to become a member of Wellmade’s Circuits, or if you have some interesting proposals and wish to offer your contribution to this project, please write to info@well-made.it
The project was conceived with the aim of drawing attention to Italian-made artisan excellence before a large audience and of spreading a culture linked to lifestyle and focused on quality. It does so by bringing together the associations and individuals who work daily to enhance and promote this environment. The website is just one of the online promotion channels of this project, linked to social channels and to major online partners. Wellmade is also committed to organising events and initiatives ranging from editorial publishing to the participation in high-level events, such as the Milan Design Week or the European Art and Craft Profession Days, often involving experts and professionals of the sector. The Wellmade team is always ready to welcome new ideas from professionals and experts in order to improve the promotion of the crafts. If you wish to send some interesting insights, please write to join@well-made.it
The Artisans on the Wellmade website are selected on the basis of requirements of professional excellence and of quality of the products and services they offer to the public. A key role in this assessment is played by the Circuits and the Ambassadors, who propose the application of the artisans they work with. Artisans can apply on their own even if they do not work with any Circuit or Ambassador.
Wellmade cares about the privacy of its visitors, users and collaborators. For this reason it does not disclose their personal data to third parties without prior authorisation. For subscription purposes, artisans are requested to provide some personal information about themselves (such as name, surname, contact details and place of origin) together with a brief description of their business. This data is necessary for Wellmade to create and manage the personal profiles, as well as to allow use of the services offered by the platform. Once completed the subscription, the Artisan page is subject to Wellmade team's approval. When the page is approved and published, the Artisan will receive a notification by email. The information provided during the subscription will be then visible by all users on the Artisan page. Artisans can edit and update their information in the section "Edit your Artisan's page" in their profile. To learn more on how Wellmade uses this information, please view the Privacy Policy page.
Joining the Wellmade community and interacting with other subscribed users and artisans is free.
To inform the Wellmade team of any content regarded as untrue, inappropriate or detrimental to yourself or your profession, or for any other matter your wish to report concerning the content or operation of the website, please write to support@well-made.it. The Wellmade team will deal with your report and, if considered inappropriate, it will delete the content or, if necessary, block the infringing user's account.
By joining the Wellmade community, you agree to comply with the conditions stated on the website at the time of your subscription. They can be viewed by everyone at any time simply by clicking on the Terms and Conditions of use page. In the event of breach of these conditions by a subscribed user or an artisan, the Wellmade team reserves the right to take appropriate action, and, if necessary, to report the case to the competent authorities.
By subscribing to Wellmade, you become a part of the community of lovers of well-made workmanship. This is an opportunity for artisans to make themselves known to a wider audience, to enter into contact and stay in touch with their customers and benefit from the reviews they leave in order to improve the quality of their services. By accessing your personal profile, you can see the reviews received from customers and discover the skills and expertise more related to your reputation. Artisans, in turn, can interact with other artisans, exactly like other subscribed users. By subscribing to Wellmade, you’ll have the opportunity to share your passion for Italian-made excellence with other enthusiasts, make your professional experience available and contribute together to spreading a culture of quality and good taste.
Wellmade is always looking for new master artisans to involve in the project. It usually rely on the experience of Ambassadors, experts of craftsmanship, or Circuits, networks of professionals, that propose the subscription of artisans they work with. Artisans may also apply autonomously even if they do not work with an Ambassador or a Circuit: just click on the "Join us" section and select "Login as artisan". Then, on your profile, click on the "Edit Artisan's page" button and fill in the form providing us with information and description of your business. The Wellmade team will deal with your request and will consider your membership.
Artisans, just like all users, can see the reviews published by others on their page. Whenever a review is published, you will receive a notification by email. All artisans, in turn, can interact with other artisans, exactly like subscribed users, by publishing reviews on their page. Furthermore, the artisan's contact details are visible for all users on their Artisan page. This allows artisans to get in touch with users interested in their activities and with potential new customers.
Once you have completed your subscription, you can access your profile by logging in. To create your Artisan page, click on "Edit Artisan's page" and fill in the form with information and a description of your business. The Artisan page can be saved as a draft and completed later. When you complete the Artisan page with all the information requested, you will have to wait for the Wellmade team's approval. The information and description provided will be checked and possibly edited by the Wellmade staff. Once the page is approved and published, you will receive a notification by email; finally, you will be allowed to edit and update your information at any time by clicking on "Edit Artisan's page" on your profile. While your information (contact details, products and services, photo gallery, opening hours, etc.) will be updated immediately, the description will need to be approved by the Wellmade team once again. To delete your Artisan page and all related personal information on this website, please write to support@well-made.it.
By subscribing to Wellmade you’ll have the opportunity to review the artisans and save the most interesting ones in your Favourites list. By logging into your account, you will be able to manage your contact information and see the summary of the reviews published and the list of the workshops saved as Favourites.
Wellmade cares about the privacy of its visitors, users and collaborators. For this reason it does not disclose their personal data to third parties without prior authorisation. When subscribing to our website, you are requested to provide some personal information about yourself, such as name, surname, contact details and place of origin. This data is necessary to create and manage your personal profile, as well as to allow you to use the services offered by the platform. To know how Wellmade uses this information, please view the Privacy Policy page.
Wellmade can count on the highly valuable opinions of experts to provide community users with professional and authoritative advice. These Ambassadors of well-made workmanship include professors, journalists, writers, entrepreneurs, directors of associations and institutions or editors of major magazines. For years, they have carried out research and supported initiatives at national and international level, and are acclaimed by a wide community of professionals belonging to the field of applied arts.
The Wellmade team is always willing to cooperate with new experts to serve as Ambassadors for its project. It pays particular attention therefore to the most active users in the community and, when encountering professional profiles of considerable interest and with proven experience in the field, it is happy to welcome them among the Ambassadors of well-made workmanship.
Artisans are usually selected following self-application or following proposal by an Ambassador or a Circuit. If you would like to suggest including in the website a professional who you find particularly excellent, visit the "Artisans and Ateliers" section, and click on the "Propose new Artisan" button on the left, below the search filters section. Alternatively, write to info@well-made.it, providing the name, surname and contact details of the artisan, the reason for your proposal and the sources where more information may be found.
The editorial contents in Wellmade’s Magazine is written by experts in the field of applied arts and of the Italian production and cultural system. To report new content of interest, write to info@well-made.it.
By joining the Wellmade community, you agree to comply with the conditions stated on the website at the time of your subscription. They can be viewed by everyone at any time simply by clicking on the Terms and Conditions of use page. In the event of breach of these conditions by a subscribed user or an artisan, the Wellmade team reserves the right to take appropriate action, and, if necessary, to report the case to the competent authorities.
You can view the website contents and the reviews, and contact the artisan by using the contacts shown on their Artisan page. You are not allowed to contact other community members, unless they are artisans or ambassadors who have made their contact details available.
Wellmade allows users to get in touch with our master artisans, not only by reviewing their work and products, but also by contacting them directly by using the contact details available on their Artisan page.
To access your profile, simply click on "Login" and enter the credentials provided to you when you subscribed. Go to your personal page by clicking on "Profile": here you can change your contact details by clicking on "Edit profile". Your list of favourite artisans will be updated whenever you select or deselect the heart on each Artisan page, which is the same as adding or removing it from the list. To delete your profile and all the personal data related to it, please write to support@well-made.it.
You may report abuse or inappropriate content by sending an email to support@well-made.it and reporting the link of the non-compliant content. The Wellmade team will deal with your report and if it considers the content inappropriate, it will delete the content and, if necessary, block the infringing user's account. For any other report concerning the content or operation of the site, please write to support@well-made.it.
Artisans are usually selected following self-application (by clicking on the "Join us" section and selecting "Login as artisan") or following a proposal by a Circuit. If you would like to suggest including in the website a professional who you find particularly excellent, visit the "Artisans and Ateliers" section, and click on the "Propose new Artisan" button on the left, below the search filters section. Alternatively, write to info@well-made.it, providing the name, surname and contact details of the artisan, the reason for your proposal and the sources where more information may be found.
The "Artisans and Ateliers" section of the website provides you with a rich list of excellent workshops. View their "Artisan page" to get a brief description of their business, photos, information about the products and services they offer, contact details, and opening days and hours. Information about the Circuits they work with will also be provided, as well as advice from our Ambassadors and the reviews written by subscribed users.
By creating a user profile on Wellmade you will become a part of the community of lovers of well-made workmanship. You can save your favourite artisans on your profile and review their work and products by scoring their skills and features. By subscribing to Wellmade you’ll have the opportunity to share your passion for Italian-made excellence with other enthusiasts, share all of your workshop experiences and together contribute to spreading a culture of quality and good taste. Artisans, on the other hand, will have the valuable opportunity to make themselves known to a wider audience, to enter into contact and stay in touch with their customers, and benefit from the reviews they leave in order to improve the quality of their services.
Only users and artisans who belong to the Wellmade community can interact with each other. To review an artisan, first of all you need to subscribe to our website, as an enthusiast user or as an artisan, by clicking on the "Join us" section in the menu. If you are a customer of the workshop and have subscribed to our website, you can share your experience with other members of the community by posting a brief description and your evaluation, with scores going from 1 (“terrible”) to 6 (“excellent”).
It’s very easy to join the Wellmade community: click on the "Join us" section. A window will open giving you two options: select "Login as user", to subscribe as an ordinary member of the community, or "Login as artisan", to join the group of artisans.
Wellmade provides search tools to browse through the website. To search through the workshops, use the search bar on the Homepage, which allows you to type in words or phrases, or go directly to the Artisans and Ateliers section and refine your search using the filters (Category, Craft, City, Products, Services) and the map, that helps you find businesses spread throughout Italy. By clicking on specific tags regarding Products and Services, a search is started which lists all of the content available on the website (in the artisans and feature sections) relating to the selected tag.