Achille Mannara, a shirtmaker since 1995, established his atelier in 2007 in Nocera Inferiore, near Salerno. Today, his staff consists of over 25 experienced artisans who are daily creating bespoke shirts with millimetre attention to details, following time-hallowed Neapolitan techniques. The choice of materials reflects the highest quality standards and buttons, exclusively made of mother of pearl or coral, are sewn with silk thread.
A wide choice of bespoke customisation is available in the atelier and, besides closely supervising each step of the working process, Maestro Mannara follows his clients and listens to their requests regarding buttonhole colours, initials engraving, cuff or fly customisation. Home service is also available for the very busy clients.
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Da cliente affezionato, ho potuto notare nella loro manifattura una grande evoluzione anno per anno. Sanno come accontentare la clientela.